Creators and Guests

Gregory McDonough
Gregory McDonough
Greg McDonough is a seasoned executive who has owned and operated businesses in the professional services sector, navigating them through both good and tough times. He brings his personal experience of knowing what it’s like to be ‘in the owner’s seat’ when working with clients, taking time to ask the questions others may not.
Appears in 74 episodes
Bekah Chenel
Bekah Chenel
Appears in 47 episodes
Bob Babbitt
Bob Babbitt
Bob is a trailblazing athlete who competed in his first Ironman Triathlon in 1980 and was awarded in the Ironman Hall of Fame and USA Triathlon Hall of Fame. He is the Co-Founder of the Challenged Athletes Foundation and CEO of Babbitt Media Group.
Appears in 1 episode
Caryn Kopp
Caryn Kopp
Caryn is the author of Biz Dev Done Right and was the winner of 50 leading companies of the year in 2017 from the Silicon Valley Review. She is the Chief Door Opener at Kopp Consulting.
Appears in 1 episode
Chase Damiano
Chase Damiano
Chase has helped hundreds of CEOs and founders reclaim their time, he advocates for happier teams and leads effective and nurturing high-trust teams. Chase is the Founder and Coach at Human At Scale and Co-Founder at Barometer Interactive.
Appears in 1 episode
Creighton Wong
Creighton Wong
Creighton has competed in numerous triathlons and athletic events, including the ITU World Championships. He is a Consultant at Exponential Clients and Business Operations & Head of Marketing at Architect Helpers.
Appears in 1 episode
David Rendall
David Rendall
David is a writer, an endurance athlete, an author of four books, a leadership professor, a standup comedian, and a nonprofit executive. He is a Keynote Speaker and MC at The Freak Factory.
Appears in 1 episode
Dr. Amir Rashidian
Dr. Amir Rashidian
Amir is competent, a teacher at heart, and was granted the Business Leader of the Year in 2016. He is the Owner of Mid Atlantic Clinic of Chiropractic.
Appears in 1 episode
Greg Crabtree
Greg Crabtree
Greg wears multiple hats, is a renowned author, motivational speaker, accomplished entrepreneur, and distinguished financial expert, who was even featured in the prestigious INC 5000 list for 2019. He is a Partner at Carr, Riggs & Ingram.
Appears in 1 episode
Jack Daly
Jack Daly
Jack is an author, endurance athlete, mentor, and an Ironman influencer. He is the CEO at Professional Sales Coach.
Appears in 1 episode
José Carlos Sarmiento
José Carlos Sarmiento
José has competed in ultra-trail runs for more than 6 years and 19 ultra-endurance races and ended up as #138 in the World Trail Championship 2018. He is the Founder & CEO at Vertikal X, Chairman of the Board at Vertikal Sports Capital, and Founder and Board Member at Zero Sixty.
Appears in 1 episode
Kunal Mutha
Kunal Mutha
Kunal is addicted to long-distance triathlons and completed 2 full distance and 2 half distance Ironmans, he is extremely customer focused and is clear in his thoughts with an open-minded approach to new ideas. Kunal is the Founder & Managing Director of Only Earth.
Appears in 1 episode
Morné Smit
Morné Smit
Morné is an accomplished athlete, has earned medals at the National Level in Track & Field, and is on a mission to bring excellence to the profession of sales. He is the Founder of Emerse Group Limited and Certified Leverage Sales Coach at Leverage Sales Coaching.
Appears in 1 episode
Rebecca Leberman
Rebecca Leberman
Appears in 6 episodes
Shay Eskew
Shay Eskew
Shay is a world-ranked triathlete, a burn survivor, a motivational leader, and a four-time member of Team USA. He is Chief Sales Officer at CirclesX and Motivational Speaker & Coach at Shay Eskew.
Appears in 1 episode
Tez Steinberg
Tez Steinberg
Tez is a keynote speaker, social entrepreneur, endurance athlete, and the only person to solo row across the ocean with no prior experience. He is a Keynote Speaker at Tez Talk and Chief Engine Officer at United World Challenge.
Appears in 1 episode
Victoria Mugo
Victoria Mugo
Victoria is an inspiring quadruple amputee that participates in many endurance races. She is the Chief Executive Officer at Dynamite Consulting LLC.
Appears in 1 episode
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